Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Purchase info record in SAP MM

Purchase info record:
              Purchase info record contains information on a material and vendor of that material. Purchase info record is a source of information with material and vendor combination. The main purpose of purchase info record in SAP is to copy data from info record to all purchasing documents (RFQ, PO, Outline agreements).
Purchase info record in SAP MM
Purchase info record in SAP

              Purchase info records can be created manually or purchase info records can be updated automatically in the back ground while entering quotation or purchase order or outline agreement by selecting info update option.
              Purchase info records can be created with or without material master and with or without plant.

Types of purchase info records:
1. Standard
2. Pipeline
3. Consignment
4. Sub-contract

Purchase info record contains.........
1. Material Number
2. Vendor Number
3. Plant (if plant specific info)
4. Remainders, Order unit (picked from material master purchasing view)
5. Vendor sales person, contact details etc. (picked from vendor master purchasing view)
6. Return agreement for returns ( in case returns are there)
7. Regular vendor or not
8. Purchasing group ( picked from material master otherwise from vendor master)
9. Planned delivery time (picked from vendor master)
10. Under delivery and over delivery tolerances ( picked from vendor master)
11. Net price
12. Tax code
13. Incoterms (picked from vendor master)
14. Conditions for price, scales,
15. Validity periods etc.

Vendor Master Record in SAP MM

Vendor Master Record:        

Vendor Master Data
Vendor Master Data
                              Vendor master record contains information of vendors (suppliers). Vendor master record contains vendor's name, contact details, address, ordered currency, terms of payment, accounting information, reconciliation account and Excise details.
                       Vendor Master Record is maintained by both purchasing department and accounting department in SAP.
Vendor Master Data Maintenance
Vendor Master Data Maintenance

Structure of vendor master data:
                      Vendor master data maintains three specific areas data. Viz.,
1. General data:
       Data which is maintained at client level and is applicable to all company codes is maintained in general data..
2. Company code data:
       Data which is specific to company code is maintained at this level.
3. Purchasing data
       Data which is specific to purchase organization, Partner roles for certain plants or vendor sub-range is maintained at this level.

Vendor Account Group:
       Vendor account group in SAP is defined as classification of suppliers based on partner roles and assigning to one account group. i.e., Classification of suppliers as vendors, goods suppliers, forwarding agents, ordering addresses, one time vendors etc. and assigning to one account group. Example: Vendors-0001 etc.
        Vendor account group controls.......
1. Number assignment
        i.e. external number assignmet or internal number assignment.
2. Field selection
       i.e. which field is mandatory, which field is optional, which field is hidden, which field is displayed.
3. Partner functions
       i.e. vendors, ordering addressee, forwarding agent, goods supplier etc..

Monday, 30 December 2013

Material Type in SAP

Material Type:
            Materials which are having same attributes are grouped together and assigned to one material type.
(OR) Classification of materials into different material types based on material attributes.

            Material type is a controlling function in SAP. Material type controls.......
1. Number assignment
        i.e. external number assignment or internal number assignment
2. Field selection
        i.e. which fields to be hidden, which fields to be displayed, which fields are mandatory, which fields are optional
3. Procurement
       i.e. external procurement or in-house production
4.Valuation class
       i.e. which valuation classes to be allowed and which valuation classes not to be allowed
5. Department views
       i.e. which department views to be appeared in user department selection view
6. Inventory update 
       i.e. inventory update is required on quantity basis or value basis or both

Important Material Types:
ROH  - Raw materials
HALB- Semi finished goods
FERT - Finished goods
HAWA - Trading goods
ERSA - Spare parts
LEIH - Returnable transport packaging (RTP)
PIPE - Pipe line materials
NLAG - Non-stock materials
UNBW - Non-valuated materials
FRIP - Perishable materials
KMAT - Configurable materials

Material Master record in SAP MM

Material Master Record:
             Material master record is a central depository of information of the material in SAP. Material master record contains the information of the material that which a company procures, processes, stores, sells. The required information in the material master record is maintained by users of respective departments. All the users of different departments can access the required information from material master record. so that material master record is called as central depository of material information.

Important Views in Material Master record in SAP:
1. Basic data 1
2. Basic data 2
3. Purchasing
4. MRP1
5. MRP2
6. MRP3
7. MRP4
8. Plant/ Storage data 1 view
9. sales view 1
10. sales view 2
11. Accounting 1 view
12. Import data view
13. Export data view
14. Warehouse view

What are Master Records in SAP MM?

Master Record:
                       Master records are central depository of information in SAP. Every master record is provided by certain information from respective department point of view. The information from master records can be accessed by all the users from different departments.

Important Master Records in SAP MM:
1. Material Master record
2. Vendor master record
3. Condition record
4. Service master record
5. Purchase info record
6. Source list record
7.Quota arrangement record
8. Batch Master record

Business processes in SAP

Business Processes in SAP:
1. Standard Procurement
2. Stock Transfers (STO)
      a) Inter Company STOs
      b) Intra Company STOs
3. Sub Contracting procurement
4. Consignment Procurement
5. Pipeline Procurement
6. Third Party Procurement
7. Outline agreements
      a) Contracts
      b) Schedule agreements

What is SAP?

                 SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in data processing. SAP is one of the ERP software for business solutions. SAP is a product (application) from SAP AG, Germany. SAP is a leading ERP software among all the ERP softwares in the market. The competitive edge of SAP software is tight integration  of all the modules
SAP ERP software
.             SAP  was started by five former IBM employees in 1972, in Mannheim,  Germany. SAP is world's largest Enterprise Business Software company. In German, the SAP stands for Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte. In English, it is Systems, Applications and Products.  

What is ERP?

What is ERP?
                                ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is defined as integration of different business processes of different functions of an Organization to deliver the best product or service to the customer at right time, at right price by maximizing Organization's profit.
                               ERP software automates business processes. Automation of business process reduces time, reduces errors, increases efficiency by that right decisions can be taken at right time.
ERP software
ERP System

                                ERP consists of different modules. It integrates all the modules. Modules can be purchased & implemented individually according business need. Industry specific ERP software     also available in the market. 
ERP Software Integration
ERP System

Different ERP softwares:
            Tier 1 for large Businesses:
                                SAP, Oracle, Microsoft etc.
            Tier 2 for large Businesses:
                                Epicor, Sage, Lawson, QAD, Infor, etc.
             Tier 3 for large Businesses:
                                Netsuite, Syspro, CDC software, Consona, Exact Globe, etc